The Marche at the table

The cuisine of the Marche it is as varied as its views. Thanks to the particular conformation of the territory, dominated by the mountains and overlooking the sea, it is a cuisine that alternates dishes with strong and decisive flavors – predominantlymeat based – typical of mountain areas, to dishes based on shellfish, blue fish and seafood, typical of famous Conero Riviera.

Let yourself be surprised by a land that stretches between the Adriatic Sea and the Apennines, shaped by woods and hills. the Market they inspired so much poetry, from the sonnets of Leopardi to the notes of Rossini, but the art that we show you here is but the culinary one, and know that in this field too we find an abundance of works and interpreters.

Typical of Ascoli Piceno and Macerata is the each, spreadable pork salami e, always produced in the Marche region, they are Fabriano salami, Carpegna ham, galantine and many other cured meats specialties. Typical dessert of the carnival period is la cicerchiata.

Here we list a few typical Marche dishes, a very rich list that passes casually from invigorating peasant dishes such as i frascarelli, to the elaborate preparations of the vincisgrassi to literally flow into the sea with all kinds of brodetto is one stockfish mouth-watering.

Enjoy your meal !!!

Fish soup

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Fish broth

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Easter crescent

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Easter crescent


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Crescia sfogliata from Urbino

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Crescia Sfogliata di Urbino

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Fried cream

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Rice Frascarelli

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Rice Frascarelli


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Typical Marche dishes: specialties of the Marche to try